PT. GAMMA BUANA PERSADA was estabished in the year of 1999 in executing its services, PT. Gamma Buana Persada conduct Training Services, Consultant Services, Inspection Services (Welding Inspection Corrosion Inspection and Oilfield Inspection / OCTG), Destructive Test and non Destructive Test, Certification Services (for example : Boiler, Pressure VEssel, Storage Tank, Safety Valve to Department Tenaga Kerja or DIrektorat Jendral MInyak dan Gas Bumi - RI).
We also provide Welding Engineering Services such as making of Procedure Specification of Welding (WPS / PQR), Certification or Qualification Welder, Welding operator, Set and Optimize Variable and Supply Qualified Welder for all process of common welding method (GTAW, FCAW, SAW, THERMIT, SMAW, etc).
Operating since 1999 has given PT. Gamma Buana Persada a considerable experience on serving the customer our goal is to be a reliable partner in inspection, in our services field of we are supported by professional engineer, qualified and experienced personel in NDT Services, Welding and Metallurgical Engineering plus skill of Rope Access